Sunday, December 8, 2013

Why So Mad Bro?

Have you ever noticed how people tend to get infuriated over the silliest things?  It seems like the slightest occurrence can throw us into a tantrum that would make even the brattiest 2 year old look like an angel.  But then on the flip side, the things that should make us livid; we take with a grain of salt.  How did we get so confused?  People all around us are going hungry, living in poverty, addicted to drugs and we seem to just blow it off.  We say, "Isn't that sad..." or "How pathetic..." and go about our day as if nothing happened.  We read about a game where teenagers will run up to you on the street and hit you as hard as they can, knocking you unconscious and we just read on and say, "What is this world coming too?"  But if you get a game request on your social network...oh my.  "I WILL END OUR FRIENDSHIP IF YOU SEND ME ONE MORE GAME REQUEST!  I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL!!!"  Really?  Is it that much of an inconvenience to you?  I get them all of the time and guess what I do...ignore them.  It's really easy.  Just glance and move on.  Just like that.  I wouldn't lie to you.  Then there is the Merry Christmas debate.  Is this actually a problem?  I mean, isn't the holiday actually called Christmas?  Just because you are an atheist, do you not still celebrate in a secular way the holiday of Christmas?  But we are worrying ourselves silly about how to wish someone a happy holiday by the use of the actual name of the holiday??  We say "Happy Halloween," "Happy Thanksgiving,"  "Happy Easter," but when we get to Christmas we go, "Uhhhhhhh..."  Personally, I think this is a problem that is fed by the media.  I have always said Merry Christmas and everyone I have said it to has always said, "Merry Christmas to you."  Is it because they are Christian?  Not necessarily.  Is it because they are making a political statement?  No.  It is because that is the name of the holiday.  Christmas is not called Holiday, it's Christmas.  The whole argument is just silly and everyone seems very up in arms about it.  Yet I wonder, how many people have actually said, "I find that offensive. Do not say that to me."  I doubt many.  My response to that reaction?  "Oh.  Then I un-Merry your Christmas and Happy New Year."  Or should that be Happy Year Change?  Hmmmmmm...

There are things in this world worthy of getting angry over.  Sometimes I think if we put the same passion into the real injustices of the world that we put into the things that do not matter, maybe just maybe, the world would be a better place.  What if instead we took a stand against (in no order of importance) prejudice, sexual abuse, drug trafficking, poor education system, degradation of women, human trafficking, child abuse, elderly abuse, hunger, goodness sakes I could go on and on.  If we stood up for these things with the zeal of rejecting game requests...wouldn't this world be a better place in which to live?  Oh yeah I think so...

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