Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Not So Fast...

Being a parent is not for the faint hearted, it's hard work.  One might ask, what is the hardest part of parenting?  Could it be illness?  I mean let's face are gross.  Bodily fluids flow out of these little creatures like Niagara Falls!  Although runny noses and surprise throw up sessions are tough, still not the hardest...just yucky.  Maybe its the is it that a 9 year old can make your face turn that many shades of red and a teenager can make you speak in tongues??  No matter how hard we try, we always come down to their level too, don't we?  We start out good, "Young man/lady I will not tolerate..." then end up with "Oh yeah, I know you are but what am I!"  Hey, we try.  Yeah, sassy mouth is difficult, but wouldn't be at the top of the list.  I know!  Homework!!!  Ugh I hate homework!!!  The constant nagging, pleading, and begging for ten months of the year...oh my...I think I feel an ulcer coming on.  Please pass me a Rolaid.  Sigh... 

There are so many challenges to being a parent, I could go on for days.  But the hardest part by far has to be...letting go.  We do it a little at a time and each time it gets a little harder and a little harder.  We let them go to preschool and walk out crying.  First day of kindergarten and a support group forms in the parking lot.  Last day of kindergarten and the support group has their second meeting.  They graduate fifth grade, eighth grade, then off to high school, then its college, moving out, military, marriage... you get the picture.  Walking through the parking lot to the middle school orientation with my son, he reaches over to hold my hand...took everything I had not to let the tears flow like a river.  I did it though, not sure how, but I did.  Then just today he says, "Going to head to the bus stop Mom."  "But you have ten minutes."  I just wanted ten more minutes you see...He looks at me and says, "I love you Mom." hugs me and walks out the door to the bus stop.  Just like that.  That's how it happens it seems...just like that.  No warnings, no cues...we are just left saying to ourselves...but I'm not ready!  Not so fast...not so fast...