Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolution? Be Nice...

It's that time of year again...a new year means new ideas.  So what shall it be this year...hmmmmm...lose weight?  Organize?  What???  Well I would like to lose a pound or two and who couldn't be more organized?  I would also like to do more writing and read more...BUT...what will be my New Year's Resolution!? nice.  You would think that being nice is easy but unfortunately...its not!  It is SO difficult!  I lose count in a day how many people I call "idiot" when I'm driving down the road.  I wish I could say I drive a long commute to work but alas...I live 10 minutes away!  Ugh!  Most of my fit happens sitting in the line at school to drop off my daughter!  I think I need to be medicated. God be with you if I happen to get hungry.  I will punch a person in the face if my sugar level drops!  Starvation and a boxing ring and I may have a new career!  (considers this for a moment)

Being nice isn't just a problem for me, it seems to be a problem for society in general.  Don't act so know what I'm talking about.  We want what we want and we want it now!  We use to have to cook for hours to prepare a meal.  Now we can stick it in the microwave and have it ready in three and a half minutes but at two we are screaming, "Hurry up!!!!  ARGH!"  We used to have phones attached to walls...remember those?  Not only that, they had a rotary dial!  It took days to make a call...Heaven help you if your number had 9's in it.  NO ONE is calling you!  Now we have phones that we carry in our pocket, access the internet, send written messages instantly and we are pissed cause we can't get a call in the middle of the wilderness in a rainstorm.  So don't judge me...we could all stand to be a little nicer... 

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