Saturday, November 26, 2011

My Body Is So Friendly!

It seems as I get older I get grumpier...these young people and their black lipstick...stupid drivers...Ugh! These long lines!!  I may be getting an "old bitty" attitude but my body has a great attitude!!  It seems that it constantly wants to wave at people.  Isn't that nice!  I raise my arms and they wave so know that area underneath what USED to be your bicep?  Yeah you know what I'm talking about.  It wants to get to know people, it wants to get out there and be sociable...what a party animal!!  In the summertime, just wait until I put on a pair of shorts.   My thighs start inviting the whole neighborhood over for a bar-b-q!  C'mon! Follow me!  This way!  My thighs will show you the way...just follow the wave!  It's nice having friendly thighs.  Watch out if I get into a bathing buttocks just can't help but say hello.  Changes the whole meaning of "Kiss my butt!"  It's like kissing an old friend...

Maybe my body can get with my attitude and help me with my social graces.  I can start by just raising my biceps will take care of the rest...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bringing Sexy Back...

I've read many an article in the popular magazines about what is considered "sexy."  Look at the ads, commercials, music videos, entertainment industry and you can see EXACTLY what they consider sexy...flat stomachs, little clothing, perfect skin, and 0% body fat.  Who can live up to this????  Not me that's for sure.  I get out of the shower in the mornings and thank God for steam!  I don't need to see THAT!!  Don't get me wrong, I'm not putting myself down.  But let's face it, as we get older, things aren't where they once were.  Stuff drops and droops, veins show up that weren't there before and our hair changes color.  This however doesn't mean that we are no longer sexy, which goes back to my original thought...what is sexy?  Here are some of my ideas not necessarily in order of importance:

Confidence-Not to be confused with arrogance, confidence is an extremely sexy quality.  Being comfortable with who you are, your abilities, and being aware of your strengths AND weaknesses.  What is being aware of your weaknesses got to do with it...invite me to sing and you'll find out.

Staying Fit-I admit fully that I am horrible with this.  I try to do some form of activity when I can but do not do anything on a regular basis.  BUT, doing some form of exercise every day is good for the soul, puts a glow in your cheeks and helps to relieve stress.  I don't care if I am ever a size 4, but I do like to feel healthy. *giggles* Me a size 4, THAT's funny...

Dressing Appropriately-Do not, I need to stress, DO NOT...dress like your teenage daughter!  She may look gorgeous in skinny jeans and a tank not so much.  Not because of your body shape, although that can be an issue, but because it just does not suit your age.  Many will disagree with me on this but I think we look much more attractive in something that suits our body type and our age.  This does not mean we have to dress in  polyester and nurse shoes...let's be reasonable. 

Sense of Humor-At any age this is an awesome trait to have!  If you can approach life with a positive attitude, it makes you more approachable and more magnetic.  The old saying it takes more muscles to frown than to smile says it all, besides, I'd much rather have laugh lines around my mouth than frown lines.  Ugh!

Be confident in who you are!  Take care of yourself and SMILE!  Go can do it!